How Do I Opt-Out of the DH Immediate Access Program?
If you are enrolled in the DH Immediate Access Program, watch for an email from the University Bookstore that will include an opt-out link. Expect to receive this email about two weeks following the start of classes. If you register for a participating class during the first week of classes, you can expect to receive the email within 1-3 business days. The opt-out deadline is aligned with the final add/drop date or census date.

Step 1: The University Bookstore Access Email
When you receive the Bookstore Access email, click the "Activate Account & Set Password" to access the customer portal. If you are not able to find this email, then navigate directly to and select "Create an Account".

Step 2: Set Password
For security reasons, you will be asked to enter a new password and confirm that password.

Step 3: Opt-Out
You will be brought into the customer portal where you will be able to view all courses that you can opt-out of by selecting Opt-out. You can also see courses that you have already opted-out of.

Step 4: Confirm your Choice
The portal will provide you with details on the finalization of the choice with a message.

When is the Last Day to Opt-out of the Program?
The last day to opt-out of the DH Immediate Access program is the final add/drop date or census date for the term.
Can I Opt-in After I have Opted-out?
Yes! If you have opted-out, you can opt-in again through the customer portal.