Thank you for considering California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) for your upcoming production. Prior to the consideration of any filming, photography, or video recording on the CSUDH campus, please complete and submit this application. Once your request is received, we will inquire with campus departments and partners, and determine if the production can be hosted. Coordination with the appropriate department and facilities representatives is vital to determine space availability and this form must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advanced for photography shoots, and 2-3 weeks in advanced for videography and filming.
CSUDH makes every effort to accommodate requests. Filming will be permitted on campus if it does not (1) interfere with customary University business or otherwise scheduled events or (2) present an unreasonable safety hazard to those filming or in the vicinity. Once details of your production have been approved and finalized, CSUDH Toro Auxiliary Partners will require proper insurance documentation citing the University and auxiliary as additional insured, all fees, and an executed Agreement.
For questions about the filming process, procedures, rates and fees, or filming in general, please reach out to
CSUDH Campus Map
Film Gallery